Are you missing out? If you’re one of the few officials who isn’t using the DDD Dashboard to make your work more impactful, then it’s time to change! The dashboard is a treasure chest of critical insights that help you identify problems, craft great interventions, and support your learners.
The good news is that you probably already have access to this tool. The better news is that activating your account is as easy as checking your inbox for your DDD password details, and then joining one of our login and navigation webinars (or click here to watch the webinar recording).
We are currently reaching out to officials who have previously been given DDD usernames and passwords, but who haven’t yet accessed the platform. If you think you’re one of them, then keep an eye out for an SMS or email from DDD to help you get started.
Still wondering what the benefits are? Watch this short video on the top three insights that the dashboard offers.